Rodeo Schedule
Rodeo Information
Cash or check accepted at rodeo office at check-in.
Gate fees for non-contestants are $10/day per person.
Contestants must pre-enter by the entry deadline using the online entry system through the national website at www.nlbra.com. Rodeo entries will open online approximately 30 days prior to the entry deadline. Entries will close the Sunday prior to the rodeo at midnight.
You MUST be checked in and all fees paid 30 minutes prior to your first run.
Draw outs after the entry deadline require a veterinary or medical excuse. Contestant will otherwise be held responsible for all fees.
CALBRA Year-End Award Eligibility:
-Membership $100 ($50 for sibling) due at first rodeo (or prior to points counting)
-Sponsorship $100 due in January
-Participation in event in at least 15 rodeos.

Dates & Deadlines


All rodeos are held at:
White County Fairgrounds
802 Davis Drive
Searcy, AR 72143
White County Fairgrounds does not allow overnight tie-outs or temporary fencing.
Stalls - $50/weekend
Hook ups - $60/weekend
(All rentals are for the whole event and Include the night
prior to first rodeo until the end of last rodeo)
Stall and RV requests will be taken by text
when the entries are open online for that rodeo. Stalls will be assigned. RV sites are first come/first serve (there are plenty).
PLEASE include contestant's name on all requests.